Thursday, April 2, 2009

temp. change

Something about Chicago one learns very quickly is that the weather changes at an extreme pace...
Now for those of you who have lived in Africa that wouldn't make sense at all...
I have also spent much time in California where the weather can change with variations of at least 15 degrees in one day...
However there is nothing like Chicago. One day it is 15 degrees with a wind chill of 5 and snowing buckets. The next its 40 degrees and the sun is shining down splendidly...
this morning it was about 50 degrees not bad at all, cloudy but warm.. then in a heart beat it changes to about 35 degrees and in half an hour or so will be pouring buckets!
If Chicago has taught me anything it has taught me to shop well:)... now yes i know what you're thinking, i didn't say shop alot i said shop well.... You must get the right clothing for the right weather... if you do not you will surely freeze to death or in the humidity die of a heat wave....
Obviously to me the biblical parallel is so clear.
At this time in my life i have had much change... much like the weather one day i have felt hot the next terribly cold. I haven't known how to adapt how to "dress" so to speak. I have been wearing coats in the summer and shorts in the winter.
Slowly i am learning how to adapt. How to brace myself for those freezing, to bundle up, much like putting on the armour of Christ and just jumping into the cold. Or relaxing in a tank top and just enjoying the summer breeze.
I have leanrt that one cannot expect everyday to be sunshine, but how do you live like its still sunshine!
You embrace it, you thrive in it, you find a winter sport you love :)...
not really but you allow the cold times to grow you and then soon enough you will be in the warmth again.

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