Saturday, March 14, 2009


to saturate, to penetrate, to infiltrate, to permeate...
All words i have learned to hate, why? because they are all fancy terms of entering into.
I have found my life to be full of new ways of infiltrating, new friends, new cultures, new environments, all of which mean one big thing change.
Why is it we hate change? It makes us uncomfortable, confused, alone, scared. Yet now i have found myself going back to the old.
I have resumed something that once was and that has been harder than the new. I have changed and become a different person, and i am still expected to be the old me. I have grown in leaps and bounds and am now taking steps backwards. We are who we once were and yet we are not.
So who are we, the old or the new? A combination of both, yet how can we be both... We no longer rely on ourselves for self worth, we lean on something bigger than ourselves. Someone bigger than ourselves.
In an ever changing world we look to the maker of the world, the one who has seen the changes past and the changes future. Without his strong hand guiding our backs how can we not be lost in this big wide world?
We let Him saturate our every pore, we no longer infiltrate the world, but let Him infiltrate our lives.