Saturday, August 15, 2009

Movin again

Tomorrow i pack up my life with my new husband Adam-Leigh and we move to Chicago. It seems odd as i have already been there for a year already, but i finally feel like i am where i'm supposed to be...

Here let me explain a little more.

Adam and i were engaged a year ago and promptly after that i was shipped to Chicago to go to Bible college. I absolutely loved my experience there and learnt so much. However although both Adam and i knew we were where we needed to be i still often felt alone.

In my head i knew my Savior was enough for me, that he would be my all, my comfort and my strength and He was. Yet every night when i went to bed i couldn't help feeling alone... every time i packed to go somewhere i did it alone...

Moving was never fun, until now...

Tomorrow i get to move into a home that will be my home, our home, a place of joy and laughter and place of comfort a tears.. a place that we get to center around and come back to after trips.

I always knew that my Lord was enough, and i knew that i never was truly alone, but i am excited that i get to share my life with the man i love.

Although God is enough, i am thankful that He gave me Adam, that we will live life together.

I feel now like i can truly accomplish what i am supposed to accomplish with my love by my side.

I used to think this was wrong, that another person doesn't complete you, that i am an independent woman of God who needs no-one. And that is true in a sense, but i have realised that now more than ever i can be that woman i am supposed to be, that this was the Lord's plan all along.

Now i get to move again and not do it alone... the best moving time ever!

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